賦梅花館,浙江烏程舊家一樓閣, 先王父鶴孫公書齋,其 名溯源 先祖廣平公「梅花賦」。世變未艾,舊家久化灰煙, 余亦棲身海隅,乃名寒齋賦梅花館,庋存故紙手澤,遺器陳跡。神遊其中,猶見錦繡河山,壯偉城廓,仁人志士,鴻儒隱逸,詩詞文藻,書畫眾藝。心中之國,於世難尋,乃思廣邀同調,以網上所建之賦梅花館,作臥遊勝地,並分門展示,各廳題名,冀更利盤桓瀏覽。倘真得一覩心中之國於斯,毋忘先著祖鞭。


The Studio of Prunus Ode was a study in my ancestral house in Wuch’eng, Chekiang province. My grandfather Ho-sun chose this name, it was derived from the essay Ode to the Prunus our distant ancestor Soong Kuang-p’ing wrote in the T’ang dynasty. Turmoils in the world have yet to cease, and the old house has long turned to ashes. So I now live by the sea far away, and named my humble abode The Studio of Prunus Ode, to store old paper and writings, antique wares and relics. For the mind to wander inside this Studio, one can still see the splendours of the hills and rivers, the magnificence of the city walls, virtuous men and loyal men, learned scholars and unworldly recluses, sublime writings of poetry, calligraphy, painting and other myriad forms of art. China in the heart, is difficult to find in the world, so I contemplate inviting a wide circle of kindred spirits, to visit the virtual creation of the Studio of Prunus Ode, as a scenic destination for the mind to wander. The contents are displayed in virtual rooms of different classifications, and each virtual room has its own designated name, hoping such a virtual Studio can be more adapt for staying and perusing. If one does catch a glimpse of China in the heart here, do not disremember to be the first among many in her persuit.

Soong Shu Kong