按標籤顯示項目: 2021

One day, I wrote a withdrawal slip for seven hundred dollars to take money from a bank. By banking rule, the character seven 七 should be written as the formal character seven柒.

發佈於 Feretory Tao-tzu

Professor Ch’ien Mu, tzu Pin-ssu, was born in the 21st year of the Kuang-hsü reign (1895), he passed away in the 79th year of the Republic (1990), aged ninety six. This year is the 30th death anniversary of Professor Ch’ien, I wrote this special article in his memory.

發佈於 Grotta Lang-huan

In the Studio of Prunus Ode, there is a volume of The League of London, it is the personal copy of the author H. R. Madol. Thirty eight representatives and heads of states of the Allies in the Second World War signed and inscribed the inner pages. The book was published in 1942, in the middle of the war.


錢穆教授字賓四,生於清光緒二十一年 (一八九五),卒於民國七十九年 (一九九零),春秋九十有六。今年乃錢教授逝世卅周年,特撰拙文以為悼念。 

發佈於 郎環文窟
第 2 頁,共 3 頁